Street Workout Parks and Places

The weather for the first week of July 2018 is expected to be in the mid 20°C and 30°C. So I'm thinking what better time to evalute and discover new and old street workout parks.

 Gleiesdreck Park Berlin

Volks Park Friedrichshain Berlin

The new street workout area at #Viktoriapark #berlin. This area will probably be as crowded as a top gym this summer. There is a lot of group activities taking place circus school pratice and calestethic Workout enthusiates working the bars. Super resiliant rubber cover that I tested with some forward backward and shoulder rolls. Nice cushion which is good because like most innercity parks the turf is none existent because the city never installed watering systems when the landfills and empty areas where converted to state parks. The condition of the park reies solely on seasonal rain.


If you look at the brown section under the trees you will see that its sand, the typical foundation material in Berlin. Grass grows in sand but it requires regular watering. If you are looking for lush freshly cut lawn to lounge on then try Tiergarten where most landmark areas have watering systems.
