Bit torrent Client: Transmission-Qt for Windows

Transmission is a well known bittorrent client, widely used on Linux and Mac OS X, and with a well deserved good reputation as being a simple and light-weight set of programs. By set we mean that Transmission includes several different programs. that are common for many bit torrent clients. Included a daemon its tools and its Web client, a CLI application, an application for Mac OS X, a GTK application, and a Qt application. Except for the Mac OS X application, there are no binary distributions from the project. Each Linux distribution makes binaries available using their usual distribution methods. For Windows there were no distributions until now. What is not included is a series of installation questions designed to trick you into installing adware, toolbars and web browser homepages on you windows system.

A forum thread has gone for a long time and, even if the main theme has been the Qt application, it also explored most of what can be done on Windows if you want to use Transmission. What can be done? you can build the daemon and its tools under Cygwin, you can do the same with MinGW but it doesn’t work as well, you can also build the GTK+ and Qt applications as native applications using MinGW. The thread has lead to the availability of Tranmission in 32-bit and 64-bit versions for windows.

The BitTorrent protocol is a peer-to-peer sharing system that allows users all over the world to download and share data by essentially farming out file distribution and hosting to users instead of relying on a host or content mirrors. BitTorrent has made it easier to download everything from books, data and documents to software and other media, but it's only as easy as the program you use. The right client software can make downloading a painless experience, while a poorly built one can be a hassle and security risk.
